
Starter code for the Duke project

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User Guide


The Duke ChatBot is a CLI application that aids users in managing tasks, deadlines and events. It is a javafx based application and can be supported among many different platforms.

Screenshot Of Product

How the chatbot looks like: Duke ChatBot In Action


  • Allows Users to add in tasks
  • Tasks are categorized into the following
    • Todo - a simple tasks with no deadline or location
    • Deadline - a task with a stipulated deadline
    • Event - an event (task) with location and timing
  • Listing of current tasks
  • Allows setting which tasks are done
    • Default tasks are set as undone
  • Allows setting which tasks deserves more priority
    • Default tasks are medium priority
    • Priorities include:
      • Low
      • Medium
      • High
  • Deleting of tasks
  • Undo commands
  • Help commands
  • Saving tasks for future references
  • Find relevant tasks with keywords
  • Sorting of tasks


| Command | Purpose | Outcome | | ——- | ——- | ——- | | todo X | Adds a todo task with name X to the tasklist | Updates tasklist with todo task with default settings | | event X /at RC4 22-12-2020 | Adds an event task with name X and location/date as RC4 22-12-2020 | Updates the tasklist with the new event with default settings | | deadline X /by 12-12-2020 23:59 | Adds a deadline task with name X and dateTime of deadline as 12-12-2020 23:59. The format for the date is DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM | Updates the tasklist with the new deadline with default settings | | list | List all the tasks in the tasklist | A pretty printing with the tasks (based on chronological order that it was added) will be displayed on the screen | | done 2 | Sets the given task with that number (which is 2 in the example) to done | If the task number exist and task has not been set as done, then it will be updated. Else, nothing happens | | delete 2 | Deletes the task associated with the task number (eg: 2) | If the task number exist, then it will be deleted and no longer shown via list command | | priority 1 low | Sets the given task with that number to the given priority (low, medium or high). | If task number exist and the priority of that task is different from the command, then it will be updated. Else, nothing changes. | | undo | Undo the last command | It will undo the last command if there is, can only undo max of 5 previous commands | | list-priority | List tasks based on priority (Sorted) | List the tasks based on priority from Low to High with pretty printing | |find X | Find tasks that contains the keyword (eg: X) | List the tasks that corresponds to the given keyword if any. | | help | Provides some help regarding how to use the bot | Provides a list of commands for the user | | bye | Allows the user to exit the bot. | Upon entering the command, the application will automatically close withing the next 5s |